
Arbor Day!

Your lawn's true 


You deserve a



This is what



Get Customized Lawn Care: Cater to the Unique Needs of Your Lawn

Go Green Customized Lawn Care in York County, PA

is locally owned and operated business. Go Green prides itself with effective, affordable, and safer results. We utilize the best techniques from both organic and traditional practices. Go Green blends organic matter into your lawn  resulting in an attractive & safer lawn.


Go Green's unique programs improve your soil health and growing conditions.  We have earned the respect  and value of our customers because we are committed to providing the highest quality products and services.  We personalize our services, we educate our customers, we implement the best lawn care practices, and YOU earn a lawn that is the envy to neighbors in your community!


Customized lawn care is a personalized approach to maintaining the health and appearance of a lawn. Go Green Customized Lawn Care in York, PA takes into account soil type, grass species, and weather patterns.


Go Green Customized Lawn Care Programs  


**All pricing based on square footage**

PLATINUM PROGRAM - 7 Applications
GOLD PROGRAM - 6 Applications
SILVER PROGRAM - 5 Applications
BRONZE PROGRAM - 4 Applications

TEAMWORK has the ability to create a BEAUTIFUL LAWN in York County, PA!

Environmentally Friendly Go Green Customized Lawn Service in York County, PA

By using targeted treatments, green lawn service professionals can minimize the use of harmful chemicals and reduce their impact on the ecosystem. So, Go Green Customized Lawn Care helps York County, PA homeowners achieve a vibrant lawn.

Go Green Customized Lawn Care Results

Our Goal to Increase Soil Health Awareness 300%
Current Reduction of Synthetic Fertilizer used by Go Green 78%
Our Current Reduction of Traditional Chemicals 90%

Customer Reviews of Go Green Customized Lawn Care